Hearing Blog

Watching TV with Hearing Aids

July 3, 2018

When meeting with your hearing healthcare provider, you were probably given a questionnaire asking about situations where hearing is challenging. If TV was on that list, your provider may have discussed some solutions to help make TV listening easier and more enjoyable. Like many people, you might have decided to ‘just start’ with the hearing aids, knowing you could add those additional solutions down the road. If you are still having difficulty hearing the TV ...

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Why should you get your hearing aids professionally cleaned?

June 18, 2018

I treat my hearing aids a lot like my car, maybe better actually. Both are routinely treated to cleaning rituals and maintenance tune-ups. And while my car may only get cleaned once a month, I make sure I dry and clean my hearing aids daily, regardless of how long I wear them each day. But while my day-to-day hearing aid care routine is great, I still make sure that I take my hearing aids into ...

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Wearing Hearing Aids is "no big deal"

June 1, 2018

Starkey hearing aid wearers frequently share their stories. Below is an interview with Starkey wearer Lauren that was originally published on the Starkey Hearing Technologies blog in 2017. Tell me a little bit about yourself? My name is Lauren. I live in New York City, and I'm a radio buyer. Walk me through when and how you first noticed your hearing loss? I personally didn't. My parents did, so I don't know ...

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All Ears: Aren’t all hearing aids the same?

May 15, 2018

This is actually a multi-faceted question! At its most basic, the answer could be “yes,” because — from a manufacturing standpoint — hearing aids all require the same parts: a microphone, an amplifier, a receiver (or speaker) and a battery source. And, from a functional standpoint, all hearing aids should amplify sounds, just as all cars should get you from Point A to Point B. However, if we take a closer look at the hearing aid technology ...

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Age-related hearing loss is expected to increase

May 1, 2018

It shouldn’t surprise anyone that the older we get, the more likely it is we’ll lose our hearing. It’s just one by-product of living a long, fulfilling life (along with fading eyesight, weakened muscles, wisdom, experience…). That doesn’t lessen the shock of this statistic by the World Health Organization. Five times more likely when you’re over 65 than when you’re under? Wow! Equally interesting is the projected population of ...

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